FBYTG.COM is an experiment based on ai generated content utilizing Google trend data. Weekly an automated program reviews Google trend data and constructs a fabricated sentence from these trends. Ai is then utilized to draw a series of images based on this sentence. These images along with the constructed sentence from the trending searches for the week are automatically added to a variety of products that are for-sale via an e-commerce website. Additionally Ai is utilized to generate blog posts about each of the art pieces and the constructed sentence. In theory this mechanism is self perpetuating by focusing on content and topics that are already trending and producing more content focused on the same components SEO and organic reach are through the roof. The website becomes a mirror for humanity to look back at itself based on its search habits. Similarly FBYTG.com was chosen because these are the most common letter combinations used in search (FB) for Facebook, (YT) for YouTube, and (G) for Google.
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